Why Write? – Part Three

This is a Cost-free Course

If you have just joined us, then you need to read previous editions in the series, you will find these here: https://sirpeterjames.wordpress.com/category/why-write-course/. Scroll down to the beginning, ‘Why Write?’


each publication in this series, I will be giving you assignments to do and ask you to return these to me for editing. This way you send in your effort, which I call a ‘submission’ and I send back a ‘correction’ In doing this, you end up with a comparison.

I would strongly recommend that if you have just joined us, that you submit the other assignments to us in addition to this one.

By now you chose a topic of your choice and wrote 2-300 words. I would say that choosing a topic was not too difficult and for our purpose here, why you chose a specific topic is not important; providing you did choose one, wrote 2-300 words and hopefully submitted it for correction. If you chose not to submit, that’s perfectly all right.

What is more important is looking back over the way you set about writing, after choosing the topic.

Were you brave enough to simply start writing, without giving much thought as to what you would say? Did start thinking about the topic, sketching a few details down as a framework on which to work? If you just started to write, the possibility exists that you are a ‘Pantser’ and if you gave your topic more than a little thought, you could be a ‘Plotter’. There is no real significance to either type, in terms of what you write. If you would like to go into a little more depth on this subject, tap in this link:  https://thewritepractice.com/plotters-pantsers/

I’m a Pantser; for this reason, I will share from this standpoint.

Type in your topic title, space down then look at your heading. Take eight deep breaths (in through you nose and out though mouth – if you need to understand more of this idea, tap on this link: https://www.uchealth.org/today/understanding-breathing-and-the-importance-of-taking-a-deep-breath/ )

Look at your title again and start typing/writing, anything that comes into your mind. For instance, your topic/title might be ‘Cats’ and you may start like this: “I have no idea why I chose this topic, other than this; I have a cat; as animals I find cats interesting and in some ways, mysterious…”

It is of the utmost importance that you DO NOT:

  • Think of what you are writing
  • Check your spelling and grammar.

Remember, your brief is to WRITE, and nothing else. If necessary, pause as often as you like. When you pause, avoid like the plague attempting either of the above. Do the eight deep breaths exercise and carry on writing.

In this initial exercise, do not set about writing something that makes sense or following the beginning, middle and final model (this comes later.)

I call the following method ‘flowing creatively’. It’s like ‘free flowing.’ Not concerning yourself with making sense or producing perfect grammar and spelling.

If you are doing the exercise of 2-300 words, do not get caught up into how many words you have written, or still have to write. Just write!

As time goes by, following the above technique, you will find it easier to write more, rather than less, the assignment sets for you.

Once you feel that you have written enough to accomplish what the assignment has set for you, begin editing.

By this I mean you start removing duplicated words, phrases and stuff that’s unnecessary; I call this the ‘logical creative stage.’ In other words, you begin to create sense (logic) into what have written and try to see it with your readers’ eyes. Would your readers understand the point you are trying to make? Would, what you have written interest them?

Once you have an article that makes sense and a point that your readers will understand; now set about correcting grammar and spelling.

Now, your last task is to ensure that you are not below or above the word count the assignment has set you. If you are, correct accordingly.

Bingo! You’re done – congratulations.

Finally, your assignment:

Write between 200-300 words on ‘Birds’. Once you have followed the process above, mail to: whywritefun@gmail.com and I will correct for you.

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All rights reserved sirpeterjamesdotcom©2020-03-07

If you feel this article has value, please send this link to others, Writings are meant for people, not for dormant files in our computers and very often when we share them, it results in positive changes in the lives of individuals and communities.

If you are spiritually inclined see my other site;www.adcrucemchristi.com

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